Sunday, December 12, 2010

Klimazwiebel running now for one year ....

.... so what? - Hans


  1. So what?

    So a lot! It is the only English language non-Anglo climate blog, and a heroic attempt by continental European scientists to stand up and be counted.

    So, congratulations! So, happy birthday! May Santa bring you some warmth this NH winter.

  2. I like the Klimazwiebel, because it brings back reason and respect to the climate debate that is usually full of "ad hominem" attacks and disrespect.
    Thanks and do go on
    Best regards

  3. Oh dear, it doesn't look like your other commenters get out much.

    Never mind, Happy Birthday and keep it up!

  4. I think a lot has changed. A critical civilized discussion has started, both inside the scientific community (in related disciplines and climate science) and in society in general and thought through arguments have been exchanged.

    Klimazwiebel is one of the relevant fora which serve as multiplier in the European community.

    Congratulations, I hope you will go on!
