Bjorn Stevens is a director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology where he leads the Atmosphere in the Earth System Department and is a professor at the University of Hamburg. Prior to moving to Hamburg Dr. Stevens was a professor of Dynamic Meteorology at the University of California of Los Angeles. His research blends modeling, theory and field work to help articulate the role of clouds and atmospheric convection in the climate system. Dr. Stevens has made pioneering contributions to our understanding of mixing and microphysical processes on the structure and organization of marine boundary layer clouds, whose statistics regulate the flow of energy through the Earth system. Small changes in such clouds can greatly amplify, or dampen, perturbations to the Earth system. Dr. Stevens received a PhD in Atmospheric Science in 1996 from the Colorado State University in Ft Collins CO, and holds a Bachelor and Masters of Science in electrical engineering from Iowa State University.
This is no. 13 in this series of interviews.
Interessantes Interview, insbesondere der Vergleich der Strukturen zwischen Deutschland und den USA. Ehrlich gesagt, hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass das politische Klima in den USA einmal zum Standortvorteil für Deutschland werden könnte.
Stevens works within his own specialty, within a comfortable nook of what he considers "safe" theories ("settled science"). He shows no awareness of fundamental errors that have been brought to light by the skeptics and those unfortunate cavepeople he believes will not face the "robust fact" of anthropogenic climate change (and from what, Prof. Stevens, deforestation or carbon dioxide?), merely noting in passing that a few matters of scientific detail, as it were, may have been "neglected" in atmospheric science. Someone please tell him that the simple comparison of temperatures in the atmospheres of Venus and Earth shows that, in turning toward the idea of "runaway climate", by way of the carbon dioxide greenhouse effect hypothesis, climate and atmospheric scientists didn't just neglect details, they turned their back on the demonstrated stability of the long-known Standard Atmosphere (which my Venus/Earth comparison confirmed as the stable equilibrium state of our atmosphere, in addition to falsifying the CO2 greenhouse effect). Another ivory tower interview, preaching to the converted, and quite worthless for correcting gross errors in present science.
Hallo Prof von Storch,
danke für das schöne Interview. Wie immer klasse.
Interessant fand ich die Aussage, dass durch die aggressive Stimmung und falsche Kritik, wirkliche kritische und gute Arbeiten Schaden nahmen (zumindestens am Anfang, letztlich setzt sich Klasse durch). Ich fand immer, die kritischen Arbeiten gegenüber der Hockeystick-Kurve bekamen ein paar Kollateralschäden ab. Und ich habe immer das Gefühl gehabt, dass ihre teilweise richtige Kritik daran eines vergaß: diese absolut aggressive bis widerliche Stimmung in den USA. Was da über ihre Kollegen geschrieben und gesagt wird, ist schon krass. Meinen sie nicht, dass auch durch sowas eine "Wagenburgmentalität" mit aufgebaut wurde?
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