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Hello Eduardo.
Thank you for your post.
As for "...a weaker sun and more volcanic aerosols. Does anyone dare an explanation ?", there is an article in Gondwana Research 19 (2011) pp 1054-1061, "Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays: Volcano as a bubble chamber", by Toshikazu Ebisuzaki et al.
The abstract gives something of the article's flavour:
Volcanoes with silica-rich and highly viscous magma tend to produce violent explosive eruptions that result in disasters in local communities and that strongly affect the global environment. We examined the timing of 11 eruptive events that produced silica-rich magma from four volcanoes in Japan (Mt. Fuji, Mt. Usu, Myojin-sho, and Satsuma-Iwo-jima) over the past 306 years (from AD 1700 to AD 2005). Nine of the 11 events occurred during inactive phases of solar magnetic activity (solar minimum), which is well indexed by the group sunspot number. This strong association between eruption timing and the solar minimum is statistically significant to a confidence level of 96.7%. This relationship is not observed for eruptions from volcanoes with relatively silica-poor magma, such as Izu-Ohshima. It is well known that the cosmic-ray flux is negatively correlated with solar magnetic activity, as the strong magnetic field in the solar wind repels charged particles such as galactic cosmic rays that originate from outside of the solar system. The strong negative correlation observed between the timing of silica-rich eruptions and solar activity can be explained by variations in cosmic-ray flux arising from solar modulation. Because silica-rich magma has relatively high surface tension (~ 0.1 Nm−1), the homogeneous nucleation rate is so low that such magma exists in a highly supersaturated state without considerable exsolution, even when located relatively close to the surface, within the penetration range of cosmic-ray muons (1–10 GeV). These muons can contribute to nucleation in supersaturated magma, as documented by many authors studying a bubble chamber, via ionization loss. This radiation-induced nucleation can lead to the pre-eruptive exsolution of H2O in the silica-rich magma. We note the possibility that the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption was triggered by the same mechanism: an increase in cosmic-ray flux triggered by Typhoon Yunya, as a decrease in atmospheric pressure results in an increase in cosmic-ray flux. We also speculate that the snowball Earth event was triggered by successive large-scale volcanic eruptions triggered by increased cosmic-ray flux due to nearby supernova explosions."
I hope that this stimulates discussion, as I have thought for some time (without any proof whatever, I have to admit) that there was "very likely" (to use that famous wording from you-know-where) a connection between solar activity and volcanic eruptions.
All the best,
Paul Farquharson.
Dept. of Ancient History, Macquarie University.
Thanks, Eduardo - you bring out very clearly the only conclusion we can draw now - that we need an explanation for something, which is somewhat inconsistent with our expectation. Now, we are confronted with several hypotheses, which is good, and we need to continue constructing different hypotheses. Eventually, we need to evaluate the different suggestions, but that will need time. No doubt that the scientific community will achieve this.
Of course, simple minded alarmists and skeptics jump now on one possible explanation and declare it as "that is it" because it fits the pre-chosen truth of "nothing to be seen here" or "GHG theory false". Thus, we have a simple litmus test here - those with a definite answer are activists; those who see the variety of possible solutions, stick to a scientific attitude.
Thank you Eduardo for this very interesting Post. I downloaded the data ( HadCRUT4) for the "suspicious" region Eurasia ( 30-60N; 10W-130W) and made some trendcalculations, at first the last 17 years for every month. Indeed, only DJF-trends are negative. Then I calculated runnning 17y- Trends and looked for periodicities. Look for yourself: These are the raw-data: http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/iuploaded30a.png and this is the periodigram: http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/periodiuploaded30msdonfae-h.png
The most significant peaks are at 21.17, and 42.33 years.
Hopefully the links to climate explorer are working...
Maybe this can help to find the cause of the behavior?
The region is 30-60N and 10W-130E, sorry for typo
@ Hans Von Storch
You write:
"Of course, simple minded alarmists and skeptics jump now on one possible explanation and declare it as "that is it" because it fits the pre-chosen truth of "nothing to be seen here" or "GHG theory false". Thus, we have a simple litmus test here - those with a definite answer are activists; those who see the variety of possible solutions, stick to a scientific attitude."
I hope that the entire result of this "litmus test" will be published online and distributed worldwide.
Best regards and sorry ;-)
Yeph, this was meant as a test for all of us (you and me, the guys from Lepizig and PIK), if we are able to see that we have to develop a whole series of possible explanations (Eduardo is beginning to do so); and finally to deconstruct them - so that the most plausible one(s) will survive(s). That takes a while.
It is a litmus test of you and me.
thanks for starting to systematically disentangle this for us. The focus on the area of the maximum wintertime trend-difference is certainly an interesting point of venture. It is also worth pondering why this area and season pretty much exactly correspond to the region and season where Kosaka et al.'s POGA-H hindcast doesn't perform at all.
Even though I think the attention annual global average temperature gets is not justified, scientifically, this variable started the topic. So would it be possible to quantify how much of the difference of the glob. ann. avg. trend between 98-12 and 80-97 is due to this region's (~100-140E, 40-70N) winter temperatures?
sorry, infectious longitude confusion syndrome:
40 - 140E of course.
@Hans Von Storch
"It is a litmus test of you and me."
You are right. But also for the rest of us.
I am an observer. If I am skeptic I am also skeptic about skeptiks.
I'm sure that you will pass the test and I hope me too.
Kind regards
hvw, thank you for the suggestion. It seems (if the calculation is correct), that the stagnation vanishes when masking Eurasian in wintertime. Does this rule out the 'ocean heat up-take' hypothesis ? I think it makes an explanation on those terms much more difficult
Hi Eduardo
Thanks for checking! Now this is puzzling! Wouldn't that mean that Kosaka et. al get their match of global av. temp and of regional patters for the wrong reasons and that their result is an unfortunate and misleading coincidence? I guess it would be exciting to show this conclusively, but I can't think of an experiment to so so, right now.
Socioeconomic development in many parts of Eurasia has stagnated at compared to the rest of the world. Thus dampening the UHI.
So what do satellite measurements say on these regional patterns in comparison?
Nr.12: Using UAH for Eurasia gives a Trend -0,14K/ Decade for DJF and a Trend of +0,29K/decade for the rest of the year for the data 1996-now. So UHI is no explanation?
Hi Eduardo,
I quantified this by partitioning the trend difference. Based on HadCRUT and Eurasia being a generous (0-140E, 30-70N). This way, Eurasian winter contributes 34% to the global annual temperature trend difference between 1980-1997 and 1998-2012.
Where does that leave us? Considering that Kosaka et al.'s result for "the rest of the world" likely only captures part of the remaining 64%, I guess at least we can say that ENSO related phenomena are not the whole story when it comes to explain the "hiatus", but may play a "significant" role nevertheless. Sorry, too inconclusive for Nature :).
100-34 = 66
The slp pattern of the last few years is nearly identical to the COWL pattern that maximize the land-ocean temperature contrast as defined in Thompson et al. 2009(fig 2) but of opposite sign:
This cannot be used to asses the Kosaka-xie hypothesis because enso teleconnections affect the north pacific slp, also removing eurasia is not a good choice because a trend toward a more negative Arctic Oscillation will cool eurasia but the same pattern cause other regions of the world to warm(greenland-quebec-north-arfica and middle-east) and thus the effect on global temperature will be smaller.
@ 1
thank you very much for the link to that really interesting paper. Unfortunately, my knowledge of vulcanology is limited bit I can get the main lines of the argument . In essence, this explanation suggests that cosmic rays act as a seed for condensation nuclei in super-cooled silica-rich of magma - reminiscent of Svensmark theory about the influence of cosmic rays on water vapour. I wonder if this hypothesis could be tested at CERN as well. although to recreate in a laboratory conditions similar to volcanic magma can be more challenging. Anyway, it is at least one explanation , where I previously had absolutely no clue.
my interpretation is also that the explanation offered by Kosaka and Xie is not the whole story. I would tend to think at this point that it is not correct.. Anonymous at #16 seems to suggest that the Tropical Pacific maybe the origin of the AO (Arctic Oscillation) or COWL pattern, but although the influence of the Tropical Pacific on North America is well established, the observations indicate that the strongest anomalies are all over Eurasia . I agree, however, that a better calculation would be to subtract the influence of the AO pattern on temperature. Since we know the values of the AO index, this can be done statistically - and it is done in may other type of studies. We would not know, however, if the AO has been externally forced or not, for instance by the weaker solar irradiance. At this point I would tend to think it has been. NASA-GISS could do an ensemble of simulations with their high-resolution-stratosphere climate model. Let us call Gavin..
Frank, thank you for doing the calculation with th satellite data. I also think that the Urban Heat Island effect is unlikely to explain the negative trends
@ 3
the record length is about 130 years. So a periodicity of 40 years can only unfold 3 cycles, this is too low a number. Also, there are other forcing acting through the whole period, so it would be difficult to pinpoint one in particular. However, around 20 years is one of the solar cycles. Maybe it is worth pursuing further. One question would be if the 20 year solar cycle and of the possible periodicity in the Eurasian temperature are in phase.
Eduardo, of course you are right. Anyway... I looked at fall snowcover ( November in Eurasia) and found also an increasing trend during last years. About the convergence fall-snowcover vs. DJF NH Temps one can find many paper, i.e. http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/1/014007/article .
Also a connection between Snowcover and NAO is possible and so to the solar SSI ( UV). The DJF-downward trend is located almost to 100% over land... so snowcover is a hot trace?
than you very much indeed for this link, which I had missed completely. It seems that Cohen and colleagues have already given much though to the stagnation. Another interesting paper seems to be this one, Jeong et al cited by Cohen et al.
I wonder why these papers did not find the same resonance as Kosaka and Xie. All together they do present a , at first sight, coherent hypothesis, which on top fits the observations much better.
To attribute the "pause" with more "open mind" ( not only in the way of taminos ;-) ) one can make also more regional investigations.
1. When you look at the landtemps 30...60N ( Crutemp) in DJF you'll find a dramatic cooling since 2005. Maybe there is a connection to the snowcover.
2. Look at the 0-700m OHC in NH extratropics: http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/inodc_heat700_0-360E_19-90N_n.png . There is also a declining since about 2005. In contrast to the SH extratropics: http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/inodc_heat700_0-360E_-90--19N_n.png .
where we see increasing OHC.
So how can this behaviour be explained with the "fast response": "The warming goes to abyss!"? Only on NH? So I think it could be a sum of reasons, some at land and some in the oceans of the NH. Latif is for sure: The THC is changing... But I've heard: nothing is changing... if Potsdam is right. What about a view into the right world? ;-)
It is a false dichotomy that Hans Von Storch presents. If nothing unusual is happening then why do we need to find an excuse for why there is nothing happening. Answer: We don't. Occams razor suggests that too many scientists were too much in love with their simplistic, two-variable, linear view of climate. Nature made fools of them and still does.
Without these clearly inadequate models there is no alarming parabolic rise in temperature, no possible separation of manmade warming from a very gentle natural warming and therefore nothing to suggest that mans influence is anything other than insignificant.
Now of course if you are employed by an institute that would be irrelevant if there were no manmade warming and if you had realised you had spent 25 years teaching the wrong thing then you are more likely to suffer bias and to be less scientific about it all aren't you?
Basically the argument put forward is that the putative warming is masked by a putative cooling from an as yet unidentified source: Just how scientific is that? The real scientific position is to accept what the observations are screaming at you; that there is no "missing heat" in the first place.
Could northern Eurasia and the Arctic region be linked in a way that would explain the drop in DJF winter temperatures? We know that Arctic temperatures are underrepresented in most datasets (or, like in GISS, guessed, I mean calculated). However, we also know from observations that the Arctic is getting warm fast - sea ice melts both in area and volume, Greenland glaciers shrink, the area with surface melting in Greenland increases and so on. Therefore my question is under what conditions (shifted jet stream like in January in the US? Other weather patterns??) could this be explained? Some things are mentioned, AO, snow cover, but would that suffice?
this is an interesting question, to which there is no clear answer. May internal climate variability, i.e. unforced changes in 'weather and ocean patterns' be responsible for decadal and multidecadal quasi oscillation of the Northern Hemisphere or global surface temperature ? To what extent ?
One clear example is ENSO, during which there is a large exchange of heat between the oceans and the atmosphere. Other example is the North Atlantic Oscillation (or the polar vortex, if you prefer), where the north-south advection of heat is distorted relative to normal. But do all these 'patterns' also vary at time scales of 20 years or longer ? At those longer time scales we have other patterns like the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation or the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but these are much less well understood. What seems by now clear is that climate models underestimate the decadal variability of the these modes. For instance, in the case of the NAO this is very clear. However...
the NAO just distorts the heat advection by the atmosphere, just shuffling heat around , but not necessarily changes the global or Northern Hemisphere mean temperature, unless other mechanisms come into play. For instance we have seen this winter that a positive NAO produces a lot of storms and cloudiness over the North Atlantic and Europe, and less somewhere else. Clouds reflect solar radiation, so may be the global radiation balance is affected.
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