Friday, September 21, 2012

New, and (so far:) last CLISAP interview

In a series of in total 12 interviews with various participants at the Hamburg center of excellence CLISAP, the last interview has been published. This time the media researcher Andreas Schmidt

CLISAP informs: "Andreas Schmidt has been a research associate in the CliSAP Research Group "Media Constructions of Climate Change" at the University of Hamburg since 2010. Within the CliSAP graduate school "School of Integrated Climate System Sciences" (SICSS) he is doing his doctorate about the media debate on climate change and how this is influenced by different actors within society."

Read the interview here.

I am referring to these interviews here at Klimazwiebel, because they allow lay-people an insight how climate scientists actually work and think. After all, climate scientists are kind of normal people, and in many cases they ended in climate science mostly by chance (like me).