Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Results from new Survey of Climate Scientists coming soon
Dennis Bray
If only you knew how shocked I was! Scouting through the internet I recently came across a blog
posting titled Lewandowsky: study “Useless” unless authors demonstrate “data
integrity”, at http://climateaudit.org/2012/09/12/lewandowsky-study-useless-unless-authors-demonstrate-data-integrity/. The blog posting is written by Steve McIntyre. Apparently Lewandowsky, in reference to the
2003 Survey of Climate Scientists, accuses me of violating “all internet survey
methodological standards by not recording dates, times, and IP numbers of
Just for the record, I
would like to point out that many people working in institutes have no choice
but to use the static IP of the institute’s firewall.
I doubt they are aware or even care. But this would mean that if I sampled 100
scientists at 10 institutes, likely in the recorded responses there would be
only 10 IP addresses. Also, it is not
difficult to manipulate time and date on a PC. So, please, for all of the conspiracy
theory (of any persuasion) critics of the surveys of climate scientists, try to
know a little of what you speak before you speak.
Apparently Lewandowsky complained that there was “no way to check or
verify the integrity of the data” and therefore the data was probably
“useless”. Lewandowsky said that the study should not have been published
“without the authors demonstrating the integrity of their data”. Steve McIntrye goes on to point out that the work of Lewandowsky is not without blemish.
New blog: www.climatedialogue.org
Hans von Storch
I got this e-mail, which may be of interest for some readers of the Klimazwiebel:
You might have noticed that two Dutch institutes (KNMI and PBL) started an international discussion platform, www.climatedialogue.org.
We just started the second Dialogue about Long-term persistence (LTP) and the consequences this has for trend significance. We would welcome your views in the discussion and/or maybe you can alert colleagues about the start of our discussion on LTP. You can visit us at http://www.climatedialogue.org/long-term-persistence-and-trend-significance/
Editorial staff Climate Dialogue: Marcel Crok, Rob van Dorland and Bart Verheggen
You might have noticed that two Dutch institutes (KNMI and PBL) started an international discussion platform, www.climatedialogue.org.
We just started the second Dialogue about Long-term persistence (LTP) and the consequences this has for trend significance. We would welcome your views in the discussion and/or maybe you can alert colleagues about the start of our discussion on LTP. You can visit us at http://www.climatedialogue.org/long-term-persistence-and-trend-significance/
Editorial staff Climate Dialogue: Marcel Crok, Rob van Dorland and Bart Verheggen
Monday, April 29, 2013
Claim of solar influence is on thin ice: are 11-year cycle solar minima associated with severe winters in Europe?
Hans von Storch
The following text has been sent in by Geert
Jan van Oldenborgh, Jos de Laat, Juerg Luterbacher, William Ingram and
Tim Osborn:
Claim of solar influence is on thin ice: are 11-year
cycle solar minima associated with severe winters in Europe?
Eight months year ago, news articles claimed that
scientists had discovered a strong connection between severe winters in central
Europe and the 11-year sunspot cycle. They were based on an article by Sirocko et al, ‘Solar
influence on winter severity in central Europe’ (Geophys. Res. Lett. 39 (2012) L16704),
which we shall call SBP. Fifty years ago, Lorenz showed
that a large part of the variability of winter weather is due to deterministic
chaos, i.e., unpredictable fluctuations in atmospheric circulation,
particularly in the westerly flow. The role of external forcings (including
solar activity) in determining the warmth of individual winters is expected,
therefore, to be rather minor – or even negligible if the forcing changes are
weak. This has indeed been found in many review articles. SBP was therefore at
odds with the current scientific consensus that the role of the
sunspot cycle in the climate is small. We investigated why SBP
had such unexpected results and came up with a number of
fundamental issues with this paper Our results have just been published in Environmental Research Letters, http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/8/2/024014
(open access)
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies on Energiewende
It seems as if the German words Kindergarten, Angst, and Blitzkrieg which have entered the English language will be joined by another one, Energiewende. The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies does not bother to translate the term. It published a short report under title 'Current German energy policy - the Energiewende: a UK and climate change perspective'. Here is the brief:
This comment considers German energy policy, as set out in the Energiewende, as seen from the perspective of attempts to reduce CO2 emissions, and the ambitions of the EU to be considered global leaders on this issue. It argues that the nuclear moratorium is irrational and will significantly increase damaging emissions; and that policies of promoting renewables, while preferring coal over gas on grounds of cost, are inconsistent.The comment is five pages short, you can download it here.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
"Die Klimafalle" in den Medien
Werner Krauss
Wir rücken diesen thread mal weiter nach oben, um den Zugang und das Posten weiterer Kommentare und vielleicht ja auch noch weiterer Rezensionen zu erleichtern. Vielen Dank an alle für Ihr Interesse an der Klimafalle!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Carbon bubbles?
Over the past couple of days I had few
twitter exchanges about the term ‘carbon bubble’. These were triggered by a
(rhetorical?) question from Maarten Hajer who asked: "'Carbon bubble' is quite a catchy new
discourse. Can this language turn the tables?"
The reference was to this Guardian
story, printed on the title page on Friday 19 April (Carbon bubble will plunge the world into
another financial crisis).
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Martenstein ist kein Klimaskeptiker
Werner Krauss
Harald Martenstein macht es sich diesmal leicht mit seiner wöchentlichen Kolumne im "Zeitmagazin": er knüpft sich die Klimawissenschaftler vor. "Über die Überraschungen des Klimawandels", so der Titel einer Geschichte darüber was passieren kann, wenn man den Klimaforschern Glauben schenkt: "Was denn nun: Wird es heißer oder kälter auf der
Welt? Harald Martenstein ärgert sich über sein Haus in der Uckermark -
nix mit Dolce Vita!", so der Untertitel.
Routiniert baut er eine kleine Geschichte auf um die allseits noch bekannten Vorhersagen, dass es in Deutschland so warm wie am Mittelmeer, dort aber unerträglich heiß werde. "Andiamo, la Uckermarca" erwies sich leider als Fehlgriff, Martensteins dort erworbenes Ferienhaus entpuppt sich angesichts der rezenten kalten Winter als Kühlschrank. Soweit, so schmunzel, doch dann knöpft er sich die Klimaforscher nach allen Regeln der Kunst vor:
Routiniert baut er eine kleine Geschichte auf um die allseits noch bekannten Vorhersagen, dass es in Deutschland so warm wie am Mittelmeer, dort aber unerträglich heiß werde. "Andiamo, la Uckermarca" erwies sich leider als Fehlgriff, Martensteins dort erworbenes Ferienhaus entpuppt sich angesichts der rezenten kalten Winter als Kühlschrank. Soweit, so schmunzel, doch dann knöpft er sich die Klimaforscher nach allen Regeln der Kunst vor:
Monday, April 15, 2013
Germany's Energy Transformation in Nature
Last week Quirin Schirmeier had an article in Nature "Renewable power: Germany’s energy gamble" with the subtitle: "An ambitious plan to slash greenhouse-gas emissions must clear some high technical and economic hurdles." As the article may soon disappear behind a paywall, I summarize briefly below.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Presseerklärung des Deutschen Wetterdienstes
Hans von Storch
Deutscher Wetterdienst zur klimatologischen Einordnung des Winters 2012/13
Durchschnittlicher Winter und kalter März widerlegen keine Klimatrends
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Dr. Paul Becker |
Thursday, April 11, 2013
A bumpy ride
Werner Krauss
Recently, "Nature Climate Change" published a new study about how climate change may cause more turbulence in air travel over the
Atlantic. Obviously, the study raised attention and was published all over the place (the world maybe?), also in Germany on spiegel-online. I was asked by a journalist from Associated Press what that might mean in terms of what kind of impact that will have on people’s habits. He said that environmentalists have struggled for years to get people to curb their flying habits and if there is any chance that a bit turbulence might make the problem a bit more concrete for flyers?
This here is what he made out the story, with a quote selected from my written answer. Here is my long version:
This here is what he made out the story, with a quote selected from my written answer. Here is my long version:
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Klaus Hasselmann zur „Die Klimafalle“ von Hans von Storch und Werner Krauss
Hans von Storch
Ein Kommentar von Klaus Hasselmann
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Klaus Hasselmann und Hans von Storch ca. 2007 |
Meine Gratulation, Dir
Hans, und Deinem Koautor Werner Krauss, zu Eurem interessanten und anregenden
Buch - auch wenn ich - was Dich nicht überraschen wird, Hans - durchaus nicht mit Euren Schlußfolgerungen im
Einzelnen übereinstimme. Aber Eure Schilderung der Herausforderungen an die
Klimaforscher beim Übergang von der Erforschung des Klimas an sich zur
Vermittelung der Forschungsergebnisse an Öffentlichkeit und Politik ist akkurat,
lebendig, und trifft aus meiner eigenen Erfahrung – bis auf einige Details - durchaus
den Kern.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Hans von Storch: Opfer von Vandalimus Attacken?
Hans von Storch
Ich glaube, ich bin so eine Art berühmt: Wikipedia schlägt vor, meinen Eintrag zu beobachten, weil er "regelmäßig Ziel von Vandalismus-Attacken" wird. Zusammen mit Mike Mann und Steve McIntyre. Klimakriege eben, zeitgemäß elektronisch.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Beobachtungskandidaten per 8. April 2013.
Ich hatte schon früher bemerkt, das da bisweilen merkwürdige Dinge stehen (englische Version unterscheidet sich von der deutschen), habe das aber nicht weiter verfolgt.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Beobachtungskandidaten per 8. April 2013.
Ich hatte schon früher bemerkt, das da bisweilen merkwürdige Dinge stehen (englische Version unterscheidet sich von der deutschen), habe das aber nicht weiter verfolgt.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Deutscher Wetterdienst - zum kalten Spätwinter 2013 in MItteleuropa
Hans von Storch
In der Offenbacher Post erschien am Sonnabend 5. April 2013 dies Interview mit dem Pressesprecher Gerhard Lux. Mit Genehmigung von Herrn Lux und der Offenbacher Post veröffentlichen wir das Interview in unveränderter Form:
Thursday, April 4, 2013
James Hansen and the lifeblood of democracy
Werner Krauss
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